aren't we all selfish?
i guess i have to agree with sy.
we all are selfish in one way or another.
sometimes, things we do may seems to others as selfishness as well.
i guess this is pretty much how humans are made.
how sad it is right?
we make use of one another,
just to get in what we want.
how pathetic.
so what if we had brain to invent, think, ponder, plan and stuff like that?
we are prolly worse off than the stray dogs across the street.
well, sy dear, this is how life is.
and poly is just like a reflection of the future working society, so take this as a practice bah.
i'm sure you can make better friends in stage A ya?
maybe its a blessings in disguse (:
look on the bright side of life!
when i went to OBS,
we went trekking in search of a clue.
one of the clue (which was a quote) says:
"What happens around you is not within your control, but how to react to what happens to you is within your control" ( something like that)
yup, hope it inspire you!
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